Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Light Fairies

The Light Fairies are ready to release their power and brighten up a little girl's room! Here, still hanging on my workshop's wall:

Glowing paintings, lighting frames

glowing frames, fairy drawings

...and for a closer look:

Lamp, lighting painting

Light Fairy Lamp, Glowing Frame

fairy lamp, glowing frame

When the lights are turn off, the Light Fairies glow and spread their magic in the room!

fairy lamps, lighting frames, glowing paintings

fairy lamp, lighting painting
Glowing paintings, fairy drawing, Kid's decor

lighting frame, fairy lamp, childrens' room decoration

1 comment:

  1. Fairy drawing has captured the hearts and minds of artists and enthusiasts for generations. These ethereal beings, often associated with enchantment and fantasy, inspire those seeking to create whimsical and captivating artwork.


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